Composite Lunar Eclipse

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Julian Gacek

Thanks, I actually really like the haunted look of your partial stages! It provides for a more organic look. As you can see with my camera settings, I also don't have the luxury of having a super telephoto lens. The full moon and partial eclipse settings were taken at 280 mm with a 200 mm lens and 1.4x extender. However, the full eclipse was taken without the extender at F/4.0, ISO 1600 and T=1s. I needed to remove the extender because it limits the maximum aperture of the lens by 1 stop, and 2s exposures exhibit noticeable blurring from the moon's movement relative to the earth (or vice-versa).

Larry Erlendson

Hi Julian... that is funny that we had such similar ideas. Actually, I saw a photo sequence like this a while back, so I think that just stuck in my head. Plus, with my camera and lens, there is no way I could crop a single shot tighter, so only the collage of shots would look ok. Anyway, I love your sequence... I didn't expose the partial stages properly and you nailed it!

A composite shot of various stages of September 2015's lunar eclipse.
Taken By
Julian Gacek
Taken On
September 27, 2015
moon lunar eclipse composite super perogee syzygy
  • Focal: 200
  • Shutter speed: 0.0025 sec
  • Aperture: f/ 8
  • ISO: 400

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